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Pedro has changed his name even though he belongs to a herd where everyone has the same name and the chief would not let him change his.

Now he has a dilemma.

If he keeps his new name the chief will throw him out of the herd, but if he changes his name back to Zeb he won’t have the feeling that he can now achieve anything he wants to, because of his new name.

Pedro and his parents decide to leave the herd and find that life on the African savannah on their own is dangerous.

Testimonials For Zeb's Search

Read your book to the Year 2 class which I am relieving in. I had first explained the process you went on before publishing the book. They loved the book. The little South African boy was so pleased that you included the native animals from his country. They related to the book well and we had a great discussion afterwards.

Susanne Boll / Horsham Downs School, Hamilton

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